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Extracting OER from news broadcasts – Producing interactive videos with AI and H5P

The video describes the innovative combination of television, digitalisation and artificial intelligence (AI) in education. It begins with a look at the history of television in East and West Germany and emphasises the importance of education and training in the age of digital media and AI.

In the author’s school days, news on television and in the newspapers was often a subject of instruction. If you wanted to get good grades in the subjects that today are combined in Hesse in the subject PoWi, you had to constantly follow the news coverage. The end of the Ausschwitz trial, the Six-Day War, the Vietnam War, the Prague Spring, the 68 student revolt around Rudi Dutschke, the beginning of Brandt’s Ostpolitik and the moon landing all fell into this period. Thanks to the teacher’s pedagogical competence, they are still remembered today.

We all have to help finance the educational mandate given to public television by the legislator through high fees. In the series Terra-X, ZDF offers some educational material in the appropriate legal format. This enables media and digitally literate teachers to add interactive components, i.e. translations into any language and comprehension questions embedded in the video. Thanks to machine transcription and AI, this is very quick and uncomplicated. The only pity is that this option is limited to some Terra-X. All TV reports that contain information of long-term interest to the viewer should be released in the same way.

The possibilities for use that arise from making the material available via CC-BY licence are demonstrated by the example of the cult car Trabant: .

The author already shows his adaptation of the video to the since 3 October on his WordPress platform and allows to copy and expand his supplementary material. Public television is only incompletely fulfilling its mandate if it does not allow what is possible with its own materials for education. The use of all information broadcasts for educational purposes must be allowed in the way shown in the contribution about the OsirisRex mission, as can be seen via the following link: People with German as a foreign language (DaF) can then read along in their mother tongue while listening to the whole thing in German or also read along in the transcript.

In the middle and at the end of the video, they can answer questions posed in German to determine whether their listening comprehension is already sufficient to obtain a DaF language certificate if this is required for study, training or work. Those who need the same skills and would like to take a similar approach to producing interactive videos can book support from the author. This takes place via 1:1 video conference. It is optimal to jointly select one of ZDF’s CC-BY clips for practice and then expand it into interactive learning material.


The media’s educational mandate and duty to inform
Education mandate of public broadcasters | PDFÖRSender.pdf
Terra X – Creative Commons
How to use Terra X CC clips freely | Terra X-CC
Algorithms on dating apps
CC BY 4.0 DEED – Attribution 4.0 International
Legal permission and right to quote
Camtasia tutorials is an open-use installation for trying out and exploring the H5P
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Images and Media
Film and Docs
Trabant (passenger car)
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